Home » Olympic golf path for Stephan Jaeger goes from Germany through Tennessee

Olympic golf path for Stephan Jaeger goes from Germany through Tennessee

SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES, France (AP) — Stephan Jaeger has a history of introducing himself with a score on his card rather than explaining his German roots, his subtle Tennessee accent and a path that eventually led him to Le Golf National for the Paris Olympics. Xander Schauffele, fresh off winning the British Open, was playing the host course of the Games on Sunday when Jaeger’s name came up in conversation. Schauffele was referring to a Korn Ferry Tour event in 2016 called the Ellie Mae Classic.

SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES,France(AP)—StephanJaegerhasahistoryofintroducinghimselfwithascoreonhiscardratherthanexplaininghisGermanroots,hissubtleTennesseeaccentandapaththateventuallyledhimtoLeGolfNationalfortheParisOlympics. XanderSchauffele,freshoffwinningtheBritishOpen,wasplayingthehostcourseoftheGamesonSundaywhenJaeger’snamecameupinconversation. “Iwastherethatweek.Hadnoideawhohewas,”Schauffelesaid. SchauffelewasreferringtoaKornFerryToureventin2016calledtheEllieMaeClassic.Heopenedwithacareer-best62andwasfeelingprettygoodabouthisstartuntilrealiz